Wait with Hope

Series: Christmas with Traders Point | Week 2: Angel Visits

During the month of December, Daily Bible Reading will focus on the story and circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth. We hope this time leads you to fresh awe of who Jesus is and why He came to earth.

Read Luke 1:5-25
*We encourage you to read today’s verses at the link above or in your personal Bible.

1. What was to be John’s mission (verses 15-17)?
2. How did the angel describe himself, specifically who he was, where he was, and who sent him (verse 19)?
3. How did Zechariah’s response to the angel’s news differ from Elizabeth’s?

Last week we read about John the Baptist, who came to prepare the way for Jesus. Today we see the roots of John’s story. His parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth, were far past their childbearing years. Yet they were chosen for a pivotal role that would prepare people for the Messiah’s arrival. When they heard the news, Zechariah struggled with unbelief, but Elizabeth responded with gratitude. God had taken their hopelessness and turned it into a bigger purpose than they could imagine.

Oftentimes, we can find ourselves wanting or waiting for something, only to lose hope as time passes by. But no matter how long the wait, we can trust God. Just like He used Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story for a history-shaping purpose, He can use us for His glory too.

Where are you struggling to believe this? Is there a situation that’s chipping away at your hope? Turn it over to God now. Thank Him for placing you on this earth for a purpose, and commit to letting Him use you for His glory, no matter your circumstances.

Want to go deeper? Read Psalm 62:5-8, and note what these verses say about God. What would it look like for you personally and practically to “wait quietly for the Lord”? Write down one step that comes to mind, and share it with someone else for accountability.

Christmas with Traders Point