During the month of December, Daily Bible Reading will focus on the story and circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth. We hope this time leads you to fresh awe of who Jesus is and why He came to earth.
Read Matthew 1:18-25
*We encourage you to read today’s verses at the link above or in your personal Bible.
1. How is Joseph described in verse 19?
2. How did Jesus fulfill prophecy?
3. What did Joseph do as a result of the angel’s visit?
Last week we read about Mary learning her role as the Messiah’s mother. Not only did she face potential homelessness, but as a betrothed woman, she faced social stigma and possible death by stoning because of her perceived unfaithfulness to Joseph. This was on Joseph’s mind when the angel visited him. He knew the risks to Mary, and he knew the stigma he would face himself. The angel urged him to respond with courage, take Mary as his wife, and raise God’s Son as his own.
Being part of God’s plan often means making hard choices, sometimes at the risk of being misunderstood, falsely accused, or ostracized from social circles. Just like Joseph obeyed God despite the risk, we can do the same. We might lose something in the process, but what we gain will be infinitely more valuable.
Where have you played it safe or been afraid to obey God because of what it could cost you? Confess your fears to God today, and ask Him to give you courage to do the right thing, whatever it costs.
Want to go deeper? Read this article for three ways Joseph displayed great faith in his response to the angel.
*TPCC does not necessarily endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.