Hope-Filled Words

Series: Christmas with Traders Point | Week 3: Jesus Is Born

Read Luke 2:25-40
*We encourage you to read today’s verses at the link above or in your personal Bible.

1. How are Simeon and Anna described (verses 25, 36-37)?
2. What did they say about Jesus?
3. What distinguished Jesus as a child (verse 40)?

While Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus in the temple, they encountered two individuals who had waited a long time to see the coming of the Messiah. Simeon and Anna were nearing the end of their lives, yet they held onto hope that they would see the Messiah for themselves. After lives of faithfulness, they experienced the fulfillment of God’s promise. And they made it even more powerful by speaking truth about who Jesus was and would become.

No matter our age, Simeon and Anna provide an example for us of devoted service and hopeful anticipation. Jesus came not just for them 2,000 years ago; He came for us. Because of this, we can serve Him faithfully and anticipate His return with hope.

Before the rush of Christmas weekend hits, take some time to ponder what the coming of the Messiah means for you personally. How has He given you hope or fulfilled His promises in your life? Don’t step away from this moment without thanking Him. Then live faithfully for Him out of an overflow of gratitude.

Want to go deeper? Read this article for a deeper look at what you can learn from Simeon and Anna.

*TPCC does not necessarily endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.

Christmas with Traders Point