Read Luke 2:1-7
*We encourage you to read today’s verses at the link above or in your personal Bible.
1. What prompted Joseph to go to Bethlehem?
2. What was Joseph’s family lineage?
3. What were the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth?
Jesus’ birth was significant for many reasons. While we usually focus on the fact that He was born in a manger, we often miss the circumstances that led to multiple prophecies being fulfilled. It took a decree from a world leader to force Joseph from his home. Where did he end up? The very town that was prophesied as Jesus’ birthplace (Micah 5:2). Joseph was also a descendant of King David, as prophesied multiple times throughout the Old Testament.
When God makes a promise, it will come to pass. And He can use the most unlikely circumstances to prove who He is. World leaders may wield their power, but they’re ultimately powerless compared to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who came to earth as a baby.
How does the birth of Jesus change your view of God? Is there a situation that seems out of your control, or perhaps a circumstance that doesn’t make sense? Let Jesus’ birth fill you with awe and trust. Praise Him right now for being a God who always has a plan and always keeps His promises.
Want to go deeper? To see other Old Testament prophecies fulfilled through Jesus, visit this link.
*TPCC does not necessarily endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.