Did God Really Say…?

Series: Significant Other | Week 2: Sexual Formation: Part 1

Read Genesis 3:1-5


1. What is the first question the serpent asked the woman? Why do you think he started there?
2. In verses 4-5, how did the serpent represent his view of God?
3. How did he make the forbidden fruit sound appealing?

Yesterday we saw what God designed for intimacy and marriage. Today we see the tactics of Satan, seeking to destroy it. When God instituted a marriage, Satan initiated a war. His first step was to get Adam and Eve to question God. “Did God really say…?” Instead of focusing on all that God had given them, he turned their attention to the one thing God had forbidden. Instead of highlighting the beauty of God’s provision and protection, he painted God as strict and restrictive.

Where in your life are you facing temptation, especially when it comes to relationships? Are you trusting God by following His design for sex and marriage? Or are you letting other voices overpower the truth of His Word and His purpose for intimacy? James 1:12 says, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised those who love him.” Spend some time in prayer now, asking for wisdom to discern truth from lies and for strength to resist temptation when it comes.

Significant Other