Read Genesis 2:7-9, 15-17
1. What elements and actions went into making man a living person (verse 7)?
2. What environment did God place him in?
3. What responsibilities and instructions did God give him in verses 15-17?
Unlike the rest of creation, which was called forth into being, man was formed by the personal hand of God. Like a potter shaping clay, God formed man out of love and care. He created man in His image to be in full relationship with Him, to be at spiritual rest and worship Him. God also established healthy boundaries in the garden, but He ultimately gave man the freedom to choose. This is yet another example of His love and care.
What stands out to you about the way God created man? Have you fully grasped the depths of His love and care for you? Take a few minutes to read Psalm 139:13-15, and continue the psalmist’s prayer in your own words, thanking God for handcrafting you. Then thank Him for the healthy boundaries He has established in your life. Reflect on where you’ve been tempted to step outside those boundaries, and ask Him to help you walk in the freedom of knowing Him in personal relationship.