True hope.

Series: Atomic Habits | Week 1: Nailing Jell-O to a Tree

Read Romans 15:13

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

1. What/Who is the source of our hope?
2. What does God give those who trust in Him, and in what manner?
3. What happens when we put our trust in God alone?

What are you hopeful for in 2021? Spend a few minutes today asking God how your hopes and goals for a new year align, or maybe don’t align, with His. It’s easy to be overwhelmed in a sea of hope for all kinds of things. Prayerfully pick just a few hopes or goals you feel God is laying on your heart. Pray for the power of Holy Spirit to direct you in those today.

*For Further Reading: Aligning Your Goals With God’s Will

*Traders Point does not necessarily endorse all ‘for further reading’ sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.

For Families with Kids at Home
Spend a few minutes today asking God to give your home joy and peace as you trust in him this year. As you start the first full week of 2021, remember that we can have confident hope because the Holy Spirit is with us in every part of life—in our parenting, too.

Atomic Habits