On Sunday, we heard an interview with Aaron Brockett and Tara Homan, where Tara shared what she’s learned through her late husband’s ALS journey and her current life as a recent widow and single mom. This week’s Daily Bible Reading will walk us through some of Tara’s favorite verses and the themes we heard in her story. If you missed the interview, check it out at tpcc.org/messages.
Read Colossians 1:9-12 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. In Paul’s prayers for the Colossians, what specifically did he pray for?
2. What actions or “fruit” would be evident in their lives?
3. Who would grow these things within them?
In these verses, Paul prayed for the Colossian church to live out their faith beyond pursuing mere knowledge. He prayed they would pursue wisdom, understanding, a fruitful life, growth, strength, endurance, patience, joy, and gratitude. It wasn’t enough to know about God. Paul wanted the church to know God completely in a way that impacted how they lived.
The same is true for us. We all live in different circumstances, some easier than others, but that doesn’t change our call to live well in whatever circumstances we’re given. There may not be anything extraordinary about our lives, but we can choose to live the ordinary very well. What that looks like is the same qualities Paul prayed for in Colossians. A life that seeks wisdom and understanding. A desire to grow and produce “fruit.” A heart that looks to God for strength so we can endure with patience. A mindset that chooses joy and gratitude.
These are the markers of a life lived well. Have you been faithful today with what you’ve been given? How can you choose right now to live well and pursue Jesus above everything else?
Based on today’s reading, what do you think God is prompting you to do in response? Write it down, share it with a friend, and take a step to start making it happen.