For the rest of this week, we’re unpacking the remainder of 1 John chapter 2. Grab your Bible, a notebook, and dive in with us.
Read 1 John 2:18-23 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. How do we know that the last hour has come?
2. Who do antichrists deny?
3. How are Christians different?
It’s easy to read today’s verses and jump straight to the book of Revelation. While there are ties between them, today’s passage is written as a letter to followers of Jesus, not as apocalyptic literature describing the end of the world. Here John reminds us that in this temporary world, there are people who are against Christ. This is a marker of the “last days,” which started with the early church and continue to today.
By definition, an antichrist denies the Father and the Son. They might claim faith, but they reject the truth about Jesus. In this fading world, we have to guard not only against the lure of temporary cravings; we have to also understand that Christ deniers exist.
This doesn’t mean we should live full of suspicion but full of awareness. It doesn’t mean we should be full of fear but full of faith. As true followers, let’s affirm our belief in God the Father and Jesus the Son, and let’s allow the Holy Spirit to help us discern truth in our every interaction in this world.
• When you think about the existence of antichrists in this world, do you find yourself leaning more toward suspicion or toward sober awareness? Do you find yourself full of fear or strengthening your faith?
• Has any part of the gospel become “squishy” in your beliefs, including the roles of God the Father and Jesus the Son in the redemption story of mankind? How could you bring your beliefs back in line with the truth of the gospel?
• How often do you ask the Holy Spirit for discernment in your daily interactions and decisions? Do you live with a desire to recognize truth versus lies?
Pray through these questions, and write down what God is prompting you to do next. Share with a friend, and take a step to apply it.