The arrival of Jesus.

Series: Good News! | Week 6: Battlefield of the Mind

As we prepare, as a church, to begin a study through the book of Luke, we’ll spend this week gaining a foundation through chapters 1-3. As you read, enter in to the story. This Bible Project video will also help set the stage.

Read Luke 2 

1. Describe the world Jesus was born into.
2. Who are the first people to hear the news of Jesus’s birth and experience Him? How does each respond (verses 20, 28, 38)?
3. What is Jesus already doing by the time He’s 12 years old (verses 41-52)?

1. How do you see God’s sovereignty in this chapter? Thank God that His plans always prevail despite opposition.
2. Which character in the chapter do you most identify with and why? Praise God that He shows no favoritism – His favor is for all mankind.

For Further Learning: The Nativity Story movie depicts Luke 1-2 well!

For Families with Kids at Home
Share with your kids the importance of Jesus coming to save the world and talk with them how Jesus has personally changed your life.

Good News!