John the Baptist prepares the way.

Series: Good News! | Week 6: Battlefield of the Mind

As we prepare, as a church, to begin a study through the book of Luke, we’ll spend this week gaining a foundation through chapters 1-3. As you read, enter in to the story. This Bible Project video will also help set the stage.

Read Luke 3

1. What was at the heart of the message John the Baptist preached upon beginning his ministry (verse 3, 18). How did he make it specific for different groups of people?
2. How did John the Baptist’s life point to Jesus alone?
3. What does God say about Jesus as He is baptized? What is He pleased with?

1. How does a life of repentance and following Jesus always result in action (verses 8-14)? If you were to ask God, ‘what should I do?’, how do you think He would answer you? Pray for the strength and courage to respond in obedience.
2. God declared His love for Jesus before Jesus did anything. Do you believe that God loves you and is pleased with you for who you are and not for what you do? Praise God for that love described all throughout the Bible. Ask Him to help it sink deeply into your heart.

For Families with Kids at Home
Today, talk to your kids about how much you love them and how proud of them you are. Explain how much God cares about them and is pleased with who they are and not for what they do. 

Good News!