Read Isaiah 43:15-19 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. How does God describe Himself in verse 15?
2. How does He describe what He’s done and what He will do?
3. What does He tell us to focus on?
Israel found themselves in captivity in Babylon, and the prophet Isaiah shared visionary words from the Lord. He remembered how God had brought them out of captivity in the past, creating a way through the Red Sea to escape the Egyptians. Then he said the pathway God created next would surpass their comprehension. Before, God opened up dry paths through rivers. Now, He would provide pathways in the wilderness and water in dry places.
This same God is the One we serve today. He’s all-powerful, yet He’s also creative, making new paths for us wherever we find ourselves. Because of Him, we can look ahead with hope, trusting that He’s already doing something new.
How do these verses encourage you? Is there a situation that makes it hard for you to be excited about the new year, or do you simply feel unmotivated about what’s ahead? Spend time reflecting on how God has helped you in the past, and let it renew your faith and hope for the new pathways He’ll create in the future.
Want to go deeper? Read Exodus 14 for the full Red Sea account, and write down what you observe about God. How does this strengthen your faith today?