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Live in Peace

Series: Significant Other | Week 4: Singleness, Dating, Divorce

Read 1 Corinthians 7:12-16

1. What scenario does Paul address in verses 12-13, and what does he say about it?
2. What reasons does he give for this instruction?
3. What type of character does this require?

These verses address a specific question that came up in the Corinthian church. As people converted to Christianity, they wondered if they should divorce their unbelieving spouses and marry Christians in order to be faithful to God. Paul called them to remain faithful and holy, living in peace in their homes as they followed Christ.

Whether you’re facing this exact scenario or not, you can choose a life of peace. Is there a relationship where God is calling you to show selfless love? What specifically does that require of you right now? Take a few minutes to pray over the relationship, and trust that as you follow Jesus, He can use you to soften someone's heart and possibly lead them to salvation.

Want to go deeper? Visit this link for more on loving an unbelieving spouse. If you aren’t married to an unbelieving spouse, use this resource as an opportunity to learn more about the struggles of someone who is and to pray for them.

*TPCC does not necessary endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.

Significant Other