Lifelong Learning

Series: Among Lions | Week 8: God, We Need You

Read Daniel 9:1-3

1. What did Daniel learn from?
2. What did he learn?
3. What did he do in response?

Daniel is an old man who learns that the exile of his people is nearing an end. His immediate response is to mourn and repent. While there are many lessons we can learn from Daniel’s repentance (we’ll unpack them later this week), one key phrase in today’s passage is, “Daniel learned from reading the word of the Lord.” Even in his old age, he never stopped growing and seeking out truth that led him to take action.

This is an incredible model for us today. Spiritual growth is a lifelong process. We may retire from a career, but we’ll never retire from a relationship with God. He wants us to continue coming to His Word, learning it so we can become more like Him.

Do you approach the Bible this way? No matter your age, are you actively seeking to learn more about God? Spend a few minutes in prayer, asking for a desire to learn from His Word and apply it. Thank Him that there’s always more to learn and that He reveals Himself in tangible ways.

Want to go deeper? Read this article on the importance of lifelong growth, including five principles to continue learning for a lifetime.

*TPCC does not necessarily endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.

Among Lions