Read 1 John 1:8 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. What false claim is targeted in this verse?
2. What does it lead to?
3. What does it say about our character?
Much of John’s letter addresses false teaching that was running rampant in the church during that time. One of the common claims was that people had no sin or weren’t capable of sinning. They didn’t need forgiveness, which meant they didn’t need to confess anything. John’s goal was to correct those false claims.
Saying we don’t sin is a lie, and it indicates that we don’t know God. On the flip side, we do know Him if we’re deeply aware of our sinfulness. The clearest sign we’re growing in our understanding of grace is that we’re more aware of how much sin has pervaded our hearts.
It’s a common misconception that the closer we get to God, the holier we’ll feel. In reality, the closer we get to God, the dirtier we’ll feel. This isn’t a reason to give up and wallow in our own stench. It’s an invitation to be washed clean. The only way we can do that is to be honest about who we are and who Jesus is, to come into His presence every day and let Him cleanse us.
• How do you react to the idea that you have sin? Do you prefer to view yourself as perfect?
• Do you have a regular check-in with God to address any false claims you’re believing about yourself or about Him? How regularly do you come to Him to confess sin in your life, not as a way to try to earn salvation (it’s already been earned on the cross), but out of a desire to be cleansed and walk in the light as He is in the light?
• What is He bringing to mind right now that needs to be confessed?
Pray through these questions, and write down what God is prompting you to do next. Share with a friend, and take a step to apply it.