
Series: Online Experience | Week 1: May 26 Online Experience

Read Ephesians 2:14-22 + Hebrews 10:24-25 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What did Jesus bring between Jews and Gentiles?

2. How did they treat each other before Jesus?

3. What does Hebrews encourage us to do?


Though God desires an intimate, personal relationship with each of His people, the Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. As Paul wrote, Jesus removed both the barrier that separated people from God and the barrier that divided people from each other. Everyone who believes in Christ becomes part of His body, unified with Him and believers everywhere.

When we meet together like the author of Hebrews said, we can encourage, serve, and pray for each other. God often uses others to speak His guiding truth into our lives, lovingly correct us when we make mistakes, and show us more of His tangible faithfulness and forgiveness.

Allowing others into your life requires vulnerability, but God wants you to experience the community of His family. Gather with fellow believers, invest in deep relationships, and be honest with trusted friends who will point you back to God. Meet together, confess sin together, pray together, eat together, walk together, serve together, and worship together. Remember that God’s house has always been more than just a building – His house is you and every other person who believes in Him.


Have you experienced the kind of fellowship described in today’s reading? Do you currently have a community of trusted believers? If so, what can you do together that would bring you closer to each other and to God? If you don’t yet have a community, spend some time in prayer asking God to provide fellowship, and consider attending First Step to hear about concrete next steps to take, which you can learn more about at https://tpcc.org/firststep.

Online Experience