
Series: Online Experience | Week 1: May 26 Online Experience

Read Matthew 6:5-13 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What characterizes prayer according to Jesus?

2. How did He instruct us to pray?

3. Look at Psalm 136. What did Jesus mean by “repeating empty phrases”?


Jews in the first century would stop to pray at set times throughout their days. Jesus Himself prayed often, frequently rising earlier than His followers to spend time in prayer, but He engaged in public prayer as well. In this passage, He isn’t dictating one specific form of prayer as the “right” way – He wants believers to have a right understanding of what prayer is.

When we pray, we have the full attention of the Creator of the universe. God wants to hear what’s on our minds, and He wants us to listen to Him. Prayer is a conversation, and it can take on many different forms. Whether we pray alone or with others, whether we use journaled words, Scripture, our own thoughts, or prayers from Christians throughout the centuries, what matters is our hearts.

In prayer, you don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks of you because it isn’t a performance. You don’t have to have perfect words because God wants your honesty, no matter what you’re feeling. And if you don’t know what to pray, the model Jesus offers is a wonderful place to begin.


What’s your current attitude towards prayer, and how has it changed or stayed the same based on today’s reading? How often do you engage in prayer? What has held you back from praying more often, either in the past or in your current season? Spend some time in prayer thanking God for His desire to hear from you. If you’re new to praying through Scripture, start with Matthew 6:9-13. Read one verse at a time and tell God what comes to mind.

Online Experience