Sabbath Rest

Series: Online Experience | Week 1: May 26 Online Experience

Read Exodus 20:8-11 + Mark 2:23-28 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What happens on the Sabbath?

2. Why did the Pharisees question Jesus?

3. How did He respond?


One of the Ten Commandments that God gave His people was to observe the Sabbath, and He repeated the command numerous times throughout the Old Testament. He instructed the Israelites to keep it “holy,” which means set apart. The Sabbath is one day set aside each week for rest.

Like offerings that help us remember who our possessions truly belong to, keeping one day dedicated to resting helps us remember who our time, energy, and efforts truly belong to. God is the one who created and controls the universe and everything in it. By stopping our work every week, we acknowledge that we aren’t all-powerful or in control like God, and we allow ourselves space to seek Him in prayer, worship, and however we each best connect with Him.

Jesus said that the Sabbath isn’t supposed to be filled with inflexible rules. While it’s wise to know what does and doesn’t bring you true rejuvenation, the day of rest is a gift from God that brings freedom – time that’s free to connect with Him in the ways that fill you up the most.


Do you currently practice the Sabbath, a day of rest from work to connect with God? If you don’t, where in your week can you carve out one day – or as many hours as you can to begin with – to spend doing things that fill you up? Think back over what you read this week, and make a list of activities that you could choose to do on your day of rest. Keep your list somewhere visible this week. How can you involve your family, roommates, or friends in your next day of rest?

Online Experience