Be Present.

Series: Dirt | Week 4: Whole-Hearted

Day Five Luke 5:16

16 “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” Luke 5:16 (NLT)

1. What words stands out to you most in this verse?
2. Why did Jesus go to the wilderness (see other translations of this verse as well)?
3. What kinds of things do you imagine Jesus prayed about?

What keeps you from being present with God, from hearing His Word and clinging to it? Think about your pace and things that distract you. Jesus maintained a pace of life that allowed him to fully engage with God. He constantly retreated into solitude to spend time with His Father and make sure His heart was in the right place so that God could work in and through Him. He was present. Take some time to consider if there are any things in your life that are distracting you from being a fully present follower of Jesus. Ask Him to help you begin to implement some spiritual disciplines and rhythms into your life.

For Further Learning: Our video devotions on the spiritual disciplines of Scripture, fasting, and prayer.

For Families with Kids at Home
What’s kept you from being present as a parent over the last year? As you head into the weekend, be intentional about spending uninterrupted time together as a family. Put away things that distract you or keep you from being present with them. And ask God to help you rest together as a family and be present with Him.
