What is your boat?

Series: FOBO (Fear Of Better Options) | Week 3: What If?

Matthew 14:29
"'Yes, come,' Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus."

Your boat is whatever represents safety and security apart from God Himself. It’s the thing you run to when life gets stormy and unpredictable. You fear leaving it behind. It probably gives you the illusion of control and keeps you so comfortable that you don’t want to give it up, even if it’s keeping you from joining Jesus on the waves. 


1. What’s your boat? Take a minute to ask God: what am I relying on or running to for a sense of peace? Am I focusing on making myself so comfortable that I’m missing Your voice speaking to me? 

2. Where might you be asking God for clarity instead of trusting in Him? Jesus only said "Yes, come," He didn’t give Peter the whole step by step process of how this whole walking on water thing was going to work out. Jesus always reveals the direction He wants you to go—one step at a time.

FOBO (Fear Of Better Options)