Read Matthew 28:16-20 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. What reactions did the disciples have when they saw Jesus?
2. What actions were they told to do?
3. What could they be sure of while they did this?
Jesus had died and resurrected, and all the way to the moment He ascended to heaven, some of His disciples still doubted. Yet just as we saw when Jesus invited Thomas to believe, He invited His followers to not only believe, but to live out the purpose they were made for: to make disciples everywhere they went, baptizing and teaching them to obey.
This is the same purpose we’re called to live out today. Once we declare belief in Jesus, we’re called to a new purpose. We’re not made to merely satisfy ourselves through money, comfort, fame, or escapism. We’re made to step into a redeemed and renewed identity, to make a difference, and spread the good news of Jesus far and wide.
We all have gifts that can help fulfill this mission – gifts of service, encouragement, hospitality, administration, and more. Following Jesus is far from boring when we step into the purpose we were made for. And as we live out that purpose, we’re filled with hope, peace, and courage, knowing that Jesus is with us each step of the way.
Pray through the following questions, and ask God to show you a next step He’s asking you to take in response. If you have a notebook or journal, write down what comes to mind and what your response will be.
• Would you say you’re currently bored with life, particularly your Christian faith? What do you think has caused that?
• How often do you intentionally seek to live out the Great Commission shared in today’s verses? Are you actively taking steps to share the good news of Jesus and serve others? If not, what is holding you back?
• What gifts or abilities do you have? Have you been using them to live out your purpose? If not, where could you take a step to do so this week?