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Living Stones

Series: The Foreigners | Week 2: Hang Together

Read 1 Peter 2:4-8

1. What word is used to describe Christ?
2. What words are used to describe us?
3. What happens to people who don’t obey God?

Today’s verses point to an opportunity and a clarification of our role in partnering with Jesus. Because Jesus came to be the cornerstone, or the key part of the foundation, we can enter directly into His presence. No longer do we need a mediator to talk to Him or hear His voice. Our role, therefore, becomes “living stones,” forged together with Him to build the Kingdom of God.

No matter what we do, we can’t get around Jesus. We’ll either build our lives on Him or we’ll spend our lives stumbling over Him. When we choose to follow Him, our faith gets us closer to God than any sacred place ever could. He lives within us, which means we build His Kingdom by His power, not ours.

How does knowing these truths change the way you’ll relate to God and others? Have you fully cemented your faith in Jesus? Take a minute to do that now. Confess where you’ve rejected Him as your foundation, and let His power work through you to impact others for His Kingdom.

Want to go deeper? Worship along with this song, and let it remind you of just how powerful Jesus is as your Cornerstone. How does that knowledge strengthen your commitment to become a “living stone” for Him?

*TPCC does not necessarily endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.

The Foreigners