Learn Contentment

Series: Rebel's Guide to Joy | Week 10: When Money Is Tight

Read Philippians 4:11-12 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

Yesterday we looked at what it means to view money and possessions differently by redefining “enough.” Today’s passage builds on it by giving a clear picture of contentment. Paul explains that whatever financial situation he finds himself in, God gives him a state of being that transcends it. His joy isn’t found in prosperity or poverty. It’s found in a life of contentment – appreciating what he has, even if he never gets anything else.

Discontentment is one of Satan’s favorite tactics to sabotage our relationship with God, and most of the time, it works. This means we have to be intentional to follow Paul’s advice and choose contentment. It’s not natural. It has to be learned.

How do we do this? We build the habit of looking to God with complete faith and trust, no matter how full or empty our bank account. We choose to express gratitude, no matter our circumstances. Whatever our situation, we can find things to be thankful for. This is the beginning of learning contentment, and it can start today.

Learn contentment. Create a gratitude list, writing down everything you’re thankful for today. Consider making this a daily practice to continue the habit of learning contentment after this Philippians study is over.

Use your Philippians Guidebook to reflect and respond. For a digital copy of the guidebook, visit tpcc.org/rebels-guide.

Want to go deeper? Look up the following verses for a reminder of all the reasons you have to thank God. How do these reminders inspire you to intentionally learn contentment? Note what you observe and then continue with your time of response.

Psalm 136:1-9

Rebel's Guide to Joy