Keep on Giving

Series: Rebel's Guide to Joy | Week 10: When Money Is Tight

Read Philippians 4:10, 14-18 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

One of the main reasons Paul wrote the Philippian church was to thank them for the gifts they sent him. In today’s verses, he expresses his gratitude and says that generosity is a defining mark of their church. They’ve not only cared about his welfare, but they’ve given resources to help.

A key way to break the power of money over our lives is to enjoy the habit of giving. This includes financial giving, but it also includes giving of our time and investing in others relationally. This might be done through outreach opportunities, meeting the needs of people in our community in ways that are relational and ongoing. It might also be lived out in the context of a group – not just showing up for Bible study, but getting involved in each other’s lives, pitching in to help when someone faces a hard time.

What we have isn’t ours to begin with. It’s all God’s. He gave everything for us, including His Son, so let’s keep on giving. That’s how we foster contentment no matter our circumstances.

Keep on giving. What type of giving do you sense God asking you to step into right now – time, relational, and/or financial? Here are some hands-on ways you can enjoy the habit of giving alongside us at Traders Point:

• Check out our community outreach opportunities, including Serve Saturdays + ongoing ways to serve:
• Our large group experience, Rooted, offers opportunities to connect to relational community, as well as do a serve experience with your Rooted group:
• Join a serving team at one of our campuses:
• Financially give toward the mission of Traders Point:

Use your Philippians Guidebook to reflect and respond. For a digital copy of the guidebook, visit

Want to go deeper? Look up the following verses to see what Paul wrote to another church about generosity. What type of giving is encouraged, and what is the motivation? Note what you observe and then continue with your time of response.

2 Corinthians 9:6-10

Rebel's Guide to Joy