Read Acts 17:15-17 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. What troubled Paul in Athens?
2. What were his specific destinations in the city?
3. Who did he speak to in those places?
Paul had just gotten kicked out of two different cities, and now he arrived in Athens. He did some sight-seeing and quickly discovered that Athens was filled with shrines to many different gods. He was deeply troubled by what he saw, but he didn’t stay in that place. He turned it into positive action, engaging in conversation to tell the story of Jesus.
Paul’s example can bring conviction into our own lives. Do we see the idols of our day that people worship – money, sex, power, and more – and does it grieve us? Do we see how God cares about people and wants a relationship with them? Do we care enough to do something? Jesus established a mission for us – to go and make disciples. This means entering into real relationships and conversations so people can hear the story and see it lived out.
Would you say your heart grieves like Paul’s, not only for the brokenness around you but also the brokenness inside of you? How could you enter into conversations this week to tell the story of Jesus and live it out?
Pray through today’s reading, reflecting on the questions just posed. What do you think God is prompting you to do in response? Write it down, share it with a friend, and take a step to start making it happen.