Jesus Blesses Us

Series: Easter With Traders Point | Week 6: Seeing Is Believing

Read John 20:24-29 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. Why didn’t Thomas believe Jesus had risen?

2. What did Jesus allow Thomas to do?

3. Who does Jesus bless?


Even though Thomas heard the eyewitness accounts of the other disciples, he didn’t believe Jesus was alive. Mary Magdalene and the other disciples were able to personally encounter the risen Lord, but Thomas hadn’t been with them. And instead of reappearing right away to Thomas, Jesus waited eight days. Then instead of rebuking or shaming Thomas for doubting, Jesus showed him His wounds.

It can be easy to falsely believe that we can’t have any doubts about Jesus, but today’s Scripture shows us that He was compassionate toward Thomas’ disbelief. In fact, Jesus proclaims a blessing over all of us who have come after the disciples, who have believed in Him without seeing His resurrected body.

Jesus invited Thomas to draw near and experience His presence, and He invites you to draw near, too. He wants you to bring Him your doubts and questions, your reservations and hesitations. He wants you to seek Him even while you wait on Him. The beauty of the Good News is that you don’t have to wait until you figure it all out before you can come to Jesus. He wants you as you are today.


What are some doubts or questions you have about God? Have you brought to Him the things you have trouble believing? Spend some time in prayer today being honest about these things with God. Thank Him for the way He showed Himself to Thomas, and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you.

Easter With Traders Point