2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
We all deal with fear to some degree, and sometimes it’s healthy. The type of fear described in this verse is not healthy fear. It indicates cowardice, or shrinking back. The first step in dealing with unhealthy fear is to recognize it doesn’t come from God. He is holy and not capable of causing fear. The second step is to acknowledge what God has given us. Through the Holy Spirit, a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline are all readily available.
Respond in Prayer:
1. Reflect on things that may be causing you unhealthy fear. Jesus invites you to turn those over to Him. Take some time to do that now.
2. During this time of slowing down and social distancing, pray that God would show you what opportunities still exist. Pray for a spirit of power to worship and read and be with God, pray for a spirit of love to reach out to someone who may be feeling isolated or fearful, pray for a spirit of self-discipline so that you can exhibit a mind that isn’t given to panic or confusion.