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God Gives Us an Inheritance

Series: Child Sponsorship | Week 1: Child Sponsorship Sunday

Read Galatians 3:26-4:7 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. How are we made children of God?

2. What does it mean to be an heir?

3. What do we receive as God’s children?


In the first century, inheritances were largely passed to a family’s oldest son. One’s status in life was usually determined at birth: Jew or Gentile, slave or free, man or woman – all received different treatment in the Roman Empire. Paul reminded his readers of the freedom that Jesus brings. In God’s Kingdom, all His children receive equal inheritance.

Heaven will be a beautiful celebration of the differences God created in each of us. Scripture tells us we’ll worship our Father in a great crowd of people from every nation, tribe, and tongue (Revelation 7:9). So as we serve God with our time on earth, we can serve others joyfully and without envy, knowing that through Jesus, we all have equal standing before Him.

Though your earthly inheritance might differ from what your neighbor receives, Jesus gives forgiveness and eternal life, gifts only He can give. As He pours His love into you, it will fill you up, overflowing into others. Where are you currently pouring into others? There are countless ways you can serve, and you don’t have to go far. You can begin in your own backyard.


Look through the serving opportunities with our partners in Indianapolis at As you learn about the local nonprofits and the work they’ve been doing in our city, pray for the gospel to be spread, and ask God to give you boldness to serve those around you. Who in your family, small group, or friends could you invite to serve with you?

Child Sponsorship