God Desires Our Obedience

Series: Child Sponsorship | Week 1: Child Sponsorship Sunday

Read James 1:19-27 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What should we do as we listen to God’s word?

2. What did James say disobedience is like?

3. How does God define “pure and genuine” religion?


God’s Word shows from beginning to end that He cares for widows and orphans. In the first century, these women and children had no means of economic support if their family members weren’t willing to care for them. Orphans and widows were reduced to begging or selling themselves as slaves. But by caring for the most vulnerable, the early church put God’s Word into practice. Believers didn’t just hear it – they obeyed.

Scripture is clear that we don’t work to earn our salvation. Jesus’ finished work on the cross has paid the price for all our sins. Rather, James explained that our faith in Jesus should have a transformational effect in us and through us. As we learn about and experience God’s love for us, and as the Holy Spirit works in us, we’re transformed into more of His likeness. Our hearts look more like His.

How has the gospel changed you? If you've been following God for a while, have you noticed a difference in your thoughts or actions? As you’ve read about His heart for the vulnerable this week, has He stirred in you a desire to serve others?


Spend some time in prayer reflecting on what you’ve learned this week. Thank God for His heart for the vulnerable, and take a look at the various ways we have to make a difference at https://tpcc.org/serve. Pray through these opportunities as you consider your time, talents, and treasures that you can use to serve God. Who in your life can you invite to join you where you’re already serving?

Child Sponsorship