Enter in.

Series: The Gospel of Luke: Settled in Spirit | Week 7: A Rhythm of Rest

Read Hebrews 4:9-10

1. If the author of Hebrews is comparing rest to the person of Jesus, what do you think it means to enter into that rest?
2. What labors does a person cease when they’ve entered this rest?
3. How is the finished work of Jesus on the cross compared to the finished work God did in creation?

1. Have you entered into the rest of Jesus and relied on Him alone for your salvation? God invites you in, to stop striving to earn your worth through your own merit and receive the free gift He offers you in Jesus! If you’ve never taken that step and you’re ready, you can visit tpcc.org/Jesus and someone from our team will follow up with you!
2. Sabbath is intended to be a day of worshipping the Creator who knows us inside and out and has a life of abundance in store for us. Spend some intentional time worshipping Him today.

For Further Learning: Bible Project’s What Is the Sabbath

For Parents with Kids at Home
As you head into the weekend, make a plan now for how you will Sabbath. What fills you up? What reminds you of your limitations and how big God is? Set a time and plan today for how you will rest and enjoy God as a family this weekend.

The Gospel of Luke: Settled in Spirit