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What Your Body Says About God

Series: Deconstruct | Reconstruct | Week 4: What About Gender Dysphoria and the Transgender Movement?

Read Genesis 1:26-31 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

1. Who did God make humans to be like?
2. What role did God give them?
3. What did God say over all He had made?

Much of what we see in today’s social script brings into question the fundamental meaning of “personhood.” It seeks to separate our minds from our bodies, saying that our bodies are expendable biological organisms that are an impediment to our happiness. But what does God say about our bodies, and what do our bodies say about God?

Genesis 1 shows us that humans were created in the image of God, commissioned to steward creation and multiply. The first human bodies – male and female – were designed with a divine purpose. Eve’s body was pulled from the sacred architecture of God’s design in Adam, and the two together radiated the image and glory of God to the world. In response, God “saw that it was very good!”

Humanity is the crowning work of God’s creation. He places His image on people, including you. He intentionally gave you your body to be an extension and representation of His image by design. To reflect His sacred architecture, the very best that He could possibly create. Your design is not just good, it is “very good!”

Do you view your body as “sacred architecture” designed by God? If not, what makes it difficult to see it that way?
Would you say you live in such a way that God’s image is reflected through you to others? What might need to change to make that happen?
When you think about God’s design of your body, what are you thankful for? Have you told Him you’re thankful?

Pray through these questions, and write down what God is prompting you to do next. Share with a friend, and take a step to apply it.

Want to go deeper? Visit the Traders Point app or this link to see our recommended resources for this week’s topic. If you want to catch Sunday’s message again, you can find it here.

Deconstruct | Reconstruct