The Lord Remembers

Series: Mother's Day 2022 | Week 1: Mother's Day 2022

Read 1 Samuel 1:19-20

1. What rhythms did Hannah continue with her family while waiting for an answer to her prayer?
2. Who is given credit for Hannah’s pregnancy?
3. What does Hannah’s response after the birth of her son reveal about her view of God?

Hannah spent years wishing and waiting for a baby, and repeatedly she felt forgotten. But God in His faithfulness remembered her plea, giving her a son in His perfect timing. In Hebrew, the name Samuel is thought to mean “asked of God” or “heard by God.” In Hannah’s culture, a name wasn’t simply an identifier. It was meant to make a statement of who the child would become or a testament to God’s work in their life. All those years of waiting, Hannah’s prayers were heard. And when Samuel was born, she named him as a remembrance of the Lord’s goodness.

Is there an area in your life where you feel forgotten? Maybe you’ve been waiting for an answer to prayer, or you wonder if God hears or cares at all. Take a few minutes to meditate on His words in Isaiah 49:15-16: “Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.” Thank God for always remembering you, and commit to staying faithful to Him even if you’re in a season of waiting.

Want to go deeper? Read God’s promise of restoration for Israel in Isaiah 49:8-18. Write down all the specific things God promises to do.

Mother's Day 2022