The Hope

Series: Re-Imaged | Week 4: Rhythms To Cultivate

Read Matthew 11:28-30 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. Who does Jesus invite to Himself?

2. What does He offer to us?

3. How does He describe Himself?


In response to humanity’s rebellion, God offered His only Son Jesus to die for everyone’s sins. He made a way back to Himself, restoring the relationship that was broken in Eden. To everyone who puts their trust in Him, He offers Himself as enough, whereas sin on the other hand is never satisfied. Jesus’ invitation to take His yoke is an invitation to forgiveness and freedom.

A yoke was a wooden harness attached to animals like oxen and the equipment they pulled. Two oxen would share the load under one yoke, and Jesus used this picture to describe the weight we all carry. If we put pleasure, power, money or status on the other side of our yokes, they will never let us stop striving for more. Only Jesus offers true rest from what weighs us down.

The rest Jesus invites you to experience will require regular practice. There will always be something else fighting for your attention, but He wants you to learn unforced rhythms of grace from Him, disciplines you can return to, day after day, to receive what you need from Him for each moment.


What is currently on the other side of your yoke, and how much is it demanding from you? What would it look like to take Jesus’ yoke? How are His rhythms different from your current rhythms?
