The Encouragement to Work

Series: Re-Imaged | Week 2: Meaningful Work To Pursue

Read Galatians 6:4 + Colossians 3:23 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. What does Galatians advise us to do?
  2. What does Colossians say to do?
  3. Who should we work for?


This week we’ve read how God created work and declared it good, how He gifts His people satisfying work to enjoy, how He made plans for everyone ahead of time, and how He made each person unique with different gifts and passions with which to serve His kingdom.

However, we might find ourselves in positions that don’t align with our gifts or passions, or we might not know how to align what we do with what we were made to do. We can find meaningful work by looking at our gifts, passions, and also our past by asking how God has shaped us from our past experiences.

Look back at your life and do an evaluation of your educational, vocational, spiritual, and even painful experiences. God can use any and every job you find yourself working to help you figure out your calling. Colossians is an encouragement to work as if you’re working for God. If you’re in an unfulfilling job or struggling in your position, ask God what He’s teaching you. No matter where you find yourself, remember that God gave you a calling so that when you used it in His power, you would feel His pleasure.


  • Spend time with God on an evaluation of your educational, vocational, spiritual, and painful past experiences. What has He taught you about yourself?
  • If you have work that’s in your sweet spot aligning your gifts, passions, and calling, thank God for it today. If you don’t, will you go on this adventure of faith with Him? Will you place yourself in His hands?
  • What have you learned about His character this week that will help you trust Him more? Who can you share that truth with today?

Pray through these questions, and write down what God is prompting you to do next. Share with a friend, and take a step to apply it.
