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Spiritual Depth

Series: Love and War | Week 2: Marching Orders

Read 1 John 2:5-6 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

1. What does our obedience to God’s Word show?
2. How do we know we’re living in God?
3. Who are we supposed to model our lives after?

Today, we see John build on the idea of willing obedience by anchoring us in God’s Word. Many times, we can look at the Bible as a knowledge source, wanting to accumulate it in order to grow. While knowledge of God’s Word is important, it has to be paired with action for it to prompt growth in our hearts.

The Bible isn’t a book of incantations. It’s a book of invitations. It invites us to be with God, to learn what it means to walk with Him, and to live out His purpose and plan for our lives. It invites us to a life of conviction that leads to action. It’s an invitation to intimacy with the God of the universe.

Spiritual depth won’t come from accumulating knowledge or hearing the perfect sermon. It’s found in relationship. We grow when we learn about the life of Jesus and then are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live it out. We grow by serving, being generous, sharing our faith, and loving others who don’t love us. All these things are where spiritual depth is found.

What is your usual approach to going deeper with God? Do you find yourself looking to knowledge as the only way to get there?
After you read your Bible or hear a sermon, are you likely to apply it to your life? Or do you just view it as a checkbox to be repeated the next day or week?
How would you say you’re doing in the areas of serving, being generous, sharing your faith, and loving others who don’t love you? Is there a particular area that’s keeping you from the spiritual depth you desire?

Pray through these questions, and write down what God is prompting you to do next. Share with a friend, and take a step to apply it.

Love and War