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Haves and Have Nots

Series: Awaken | Week 5: Awaken to Position

After today’s reading, go to pages 76-77 of your Awaken Guidebook and take a few minutes to complete the “Look Back” section and the “Pray About It” section.

Read 2 Corinthians 8:12-15 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. What determines whether our gifts are acceptable?
  2. What should we use to determine how much we give?
  3. How does the principle of equality work, according to verse 14?


All throughout this week, we’ve read Paul’s words to the believers at Corinth encouraging them to give to the churches in Jerusalem. In today’s verses, he hits on a few key principles of giving. First, he repeats the encouragement to give eagerly (or, as we learned yesterday, willingly, readily, and promptly). He also urges the believers to give from what they do have, not from what they don’t have. And he reminds them that giving is a circular process. We give because God first gave to us. In turn, others give to us when we find ourselves in need.

Giving from what we do have can challenge our usual responses. Many of us hold back from giving because of what we don’t have. We might make excuses like, “I’ll give once I get that promotion or when the debt is paid off.” This may seem safe or responsible, but it’s not necessarily biblical. God wants us to give in proportion to what we’ve received from Him and to do it eagerly.

No matter where you find yourself financially, God desires for you to awaken to position and honor Him fully. To not discount yourself from a life of generosity but to realize the honor and privilege it is to give, serve, and invest in things that matter for eternity. Has He awakened you yet?


  • Have you ever held off from giving because you’re waiting for a “better season”? How does today’s reading challenge you to approach it differently?
  • If you were to do an inventory of what you do have, what would be on the list? Are you currently giving a portion of it to God? What might that look like practically?
  • We give because God first gave to us. What encourages you most about this statement? What challenges you?

As you process these questions, use page 77 of your Awaken Guidebook to jot down any key reflections or next steps. Be sure to bring your guidebook to your group! Page 78 is a great place to write down things that you want to process together.
