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Generous Grace

Series: Awaken | Week 5: Awaken to Position

Read 2 Corinthians 8:6-9 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. What words are used to describe the act of giving (verses 6 + 7)?
  2. What did Paul say he was testing?
  3. How did he describe the grace of Jesus, and what actions showed it?


Paul wanted to inspire the Corinthian believers to give to the churches in Jerusalem. In doing so, he urged them to not only engage in giving, but to excel in it. They were already excelling in many ways that spread the good news of Jesus, but they’d failed to remember that giving is also a form of ministry.

What does it mean to “excel in giving”? It means there’s always room to grow. Some of us might have the spiritual gift of generosity, and others might not. But there’s always opportunity to grow. Why is that important? Because it all comes back to the gospel – specifically, the word grace. When we truly realize what Jesus has done for us, we can’t help but respond with genuine love and grateful generosity.

Perhaps you’ve talked yourself out of giving because of other financial obligations, desires, or lack of trust. God often isn’t as concerned with what you are giving as much as what you aren’t giving and why. He isn’t asking you to give everything you have and live in a cardboard box, but He is asking you to honor, or steward, every single thing you’ve been given – not out of obligation, but out of an overflow response to His generous grace.


  • What words would you typically use to describe the act of giving? How do they line up with the way today’s verses describe it?
  • If you were to make a list of the things you excel at, what would be on the list? How is God specifically challenging you to grow in the area of generosity?
  • When you think about the generous grace of Jesus, what are you particularly thankful for? How does it influence or change your position on giving, particularly when it comes to your time, talent, and treasure?

As you process these questions, use page 77 of your Awaken Guidebook to jot down any key reflections or next steps. Be sure to bring your guidebook to your group! Page 78 is a great place to write down things that you want to process together.
