"For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power." 1 Corinthians 4:20 NLT

Welcome to Traders Point’s Week of Prayer + Fasting! From Thursday, August 1, to Wednesday August 7, we want to collectively enter a rhythm of longing for God. We desire for God to grow our intimacy with Him, strengthen us for the mission, restore those who are hurting, and reach the lost in our city. We’re excited for you to join us!

As a church that seeks to live on mission, we want everything we do to begin and end with prayer. It is one of the primary ways we commune with God and declare our sense of dependence on Him. We strongly believe the Church’s mission is fueled by the prayer of His people and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Campus PRAYER hour

To kick off our Week of Prayer + Fasting, Traders Point campuses will be open for an hour of prayer on Thursday, August 1. This will be an opportunity for us to gather and set our hearts on Jesus! We will also have prayer counselors available to pray with those who have specific prayer requests. Join us as we pray together!

When: 12-1 PM on Thursday, August 1
Where: All Traders Point locations 12 PM


Every day at 12 PM, we will go before God to pray. This can be at home, work, in your car, or with friends and family. There’s something powerful about our church praying together at the same time from various locations across our city, state and world. Scroll down for daily prayer prompts.