Salvation Is a Gift

Series: Re-Imaged | Week 1: An Image To Bear

Read Ephesians 2:8-10 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. What are we saved by?
  2. How are we described in verse 10?
  3. What does mean to be “created anew in Christ Jesus”?


In Ephesians 2, Paul makes it clear that we can’t take credit for our salvation. That would be like taking credit for a birthday gift you received.

A gift is a beautiful way to understand our salvation. Think about how you respond differently to a gift than anything else. If someone gave you a birthday gift, you wouldn’t say, “how much do I owe you?” No, you would respond with gratitude.

Salvation is a gift from God. And what do we call the unique skills and abilities that all Christians possess? We call them spiritual gifts. In the book of James, he goes as far as to say that every good gift we have doesn’t reach us until it first goes through the hands of God.

With the gift of salvation comes a new identity. The old you is dead and gone. When you placed your faith in Jesus, you were made anew. This means God isn’t making the old you better; He is making a new you more and more like Jesus. Think about it like the creation story. Out of nothing, God made the world, and it was good—very good. The same is true for you. By faith, you’re being formed more and more into the image of Jesus.

There’s no price to pay for any of this, but there is an intended purpose. “He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Your God-given gifts are meant to be used do the good things He has planned for you. You do this by giving yourself away: time, treasure and talent. You give it all to serve those around you, just like Jesus did.


  • Make a list of all the ways God has blessed you.
  • Thank God for all He has given you.
  • What would it look like to “give yourself away” this year?
