Psalm 19

Series: Summer In the Psalms | Week 4: Psalms 16-19

For the introduction to Summer in the Psalms and a detailed overview of the POST study method, refer to

Step 1: Pray and Prepare 


Invite the Holy Spirit into your time, asking Him to teach you and speak to your heart. Turn over anything that may be distracting you. 


Before starting the next step, take a few minutes to prepare. Read over the notes you've taken this week to refresh your memory on the Psalms. 


Step 2: Observe 


Read Psalm 19 multiple times for comprehension. Write down what you observe and any questions that come up as you read. 


Step 3: Seek Out 


Now read other translations, commentaries, or study Bible notes to check your work from Step 2, gain further insight into the passage, and answer any remaining questions you have. 


Study Tip: Look at all the different nouns David uses for God’s law. Write them down and find out what each one means. What do they say about God’s character? 


Step 4: Take Action 


  • What does Psalm 19 teach you about God and following Him? 

  • What is God saying to you as you read His Word and listen to His voice? 

  • What do you need to do to obey? 


Review the notes you’ve taken over the past five days. Do you see any patterns in what God has been saying to you or asking you to do? Pray over your answers to each day’s application step as well as the progress you made on last week’s commitment statement. Then write your commitment statement for this week. 


Your statement doesn’t have to be brand new this week. It might be something you sense God asking you to continue or build upon from last week. The most important thing is learning to listen to what God is saying to you and then putting it into practice. 


Remember to make your statement as practical and tangible as possible. We recommend starting with “I will” and giving it a timeframe. For example, your statement could be “I will spend ten minutes in prayer every morning before looking at social media next week,” or “I will invite a friend to read the Bible with me by next Friday.” 


Write down your commitment statement and share it with someone like a friend, family member, or your small group, and ask them to hold you accountable to it. 

Summer In the Psalms