Day One Matthew 5:1-3
One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, 2 and he began to teach them. 3 “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” – Matthew 5:1-3 (NLT)
Learn From the Word
Jesus has been baptized by John, sent by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to fast, overcome relentless temptation from the devil, called His first misfit followers on earth, and now crowds are beginning to gather as He heals the sick and preaches an unexpected message of repentance for the forgiveness of sin.
As Jesus now settles into a mountainside to teach His disciples what life in the Kingdom of God really looks like, His first words could not be more shocking and countercultural to His listeners: God blesses the poor and those who realize their need for Him! Similar to our culture today, wealth and positional power were a sign of God’s blessings in their minds. The Greek word Jesus uses for “poor” here actually means “to crouch.” It’s a word associated with begging, and it carries the connotation of someone completely helpless and powerless. This is the kind of person Jesus says is blessed in the Kingdom of God, and it’s foundational to the rest of the Beatitude (Blessed) statements that follow.
Put It Into Practice
Take a few minutes now to intentionally empty yourself. Imagine yourself as a beggar in the presence of Jesus. Get out a notebook or open a Word doc in your computer and make a list of all the talents, gifts, or worldly possessions you value and possibly even find identity in. These things aren’t necessarily bad, but they don’t make us right before a holy God. As you write, picture an emptying of yourself and a filling of the Holy Spirit. Acknowledge your brokenness, helplessness, and need for a Savior. Use these Scriptures or these worship songs to help you.
For Families with Kids at Home
Oftentimes as parents or caregivers, we can unintentionally communicate to our kids that their value comes from what they do, from good grades and good behavior, to big accomplishments on the sports field or in the classroom. But God doesn’t give us value based on our accomplishments. He loves us unconditionally because of who He is! Take time today to communicate to your kids that their worth isn’t based off what they do or don’t do. Instead, it’s based on the fact that they are loved by God and by you!