Made for Discipleship

Series: Re-Imaged | Week 3: Relationships To Develop

Read 2 Timothy 1:1-7 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


  1. How does Paul describe his relationship with Timothy?
  2. Who is Paul grateful for?
  3. What does he remember?


The relationship between Paul and Timothy is one of the best pictures of discipleship and Christlike affection in the New Testament. Timothy was a young man whom Paul met on one of his missionary journeys and mentored as they traveled together. Today’s Scripture is the opening of Paul’s last letter before he was killed for his faith, and his deep love for Timothy coated every word.

This is one example of the relationships God created us for. Paul’s words show that he thought of Timothy and the experiences they’d shared often. He prayed for Timothy, even while Paul himself was in prison, and some of his final words were encouragement. He took Jesus’ command seriously to make disciples and teach them Scripture. Today, we can follow Paul’s example of how to walk with others in their faith journeys.

Let Paul’s words to Timothy encourage you to pursue discipleship. In your community, there are likely people who desire someone to walk with them as they learn who Christ is – and there are those who have wisdom they want to share. Pursue them and experience the meaningful relationships God made you to enjoy.


Do you have people in your life who you can identify as your “Paul” and “Timothy” – someone to pour into you and someone to mentor? What fruit or growth have you experienced from these kinds of relationships? What steps could you take this week to pursue one or both of these relationships?
