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Greater Works

Series: Red Letter Talks | Week 1: Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

Read John 14:7-14 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.


1. What works have the disciples seen Jesus do?

2. What does Jesus say believers will do?

3. Who was He leaving to be with?


Throughout Jesus’s ministry on earth, the disciples witnessed Him perform many miracles. They even participated in some, like when Peter joined Jesus to walk on water. Yet Jesus said they would do even greater works than He’d done. After He ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit, and in just one day, three thousand people believed in Him (Acts 2).

We have the same Holy Spirit living in us when we become believers. Even though Jesus left after His resurrection, God’s presence is always with us. No matter what troubles we face, we’re never left to walk through them on our own. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom, guidance, and empowerment to continue participating in the greater works to spread God’s kingdom on earth.

If you’re walking through a valley today, remember that you’re not alone. God is with you, and He has the power to turn the difficult, unwanted, broken, or challenging parts of your story into a testimony of His nearness, goodness, and faithfulness. He can use every part of your life to reveal more of Himself to you and those around you. Keep seeking Him.


Are you participating in the greater works Jesus talked about? What opportunities has He given you to serve others? Who in your life might need a reminder of God’s character this week – or might need to hear about Him for the first time?

Red Letter Talks