A huge goal in parenting is to raise a child to be generous and selfless with the resources entrusted to them. Yet, any parent of a two-year-old can tell you this can be quite a challenge when everything in a toddler’s life is “mine.”

How can we combat the perspective of “mine?” How can we cultivate generosity in kids who grow up in a consumeristic culture? Is it possible to mold grateful kids in an entitled world?

We cultivate generosity in kids when we regularly expose them to the lavish, abundant and never-ending grace of God.

When kids are awakened to God’s generosity, they can be motivated to pass on that generosity to others. 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (NIV) emphasizes that our selfless posture is motivated by the unconditional love of Jesus: “For Christ’s love compels us…that those who live should no longer live for themselves…”

Like so many lifelong habits and values, generosity can begin early in a child’s life. And it doesn’t have to wait until they have a full-time job and are able to tithe from a consistent paycheck. God gives everyone resources to steward, no matter how old they are.

The faithful giving of kids, teens and adults at Traders Point allows our church to make a difference in our community, city and around the world. Check out the resources below to increase your intentionality and proactivity in cultivating your child’s heart toward generosity.

Check out the video below from Lead Pastor Aaron Brockett on the importance of cultivating a heart of stewardship: