Our Pleasing Hierarchy

Series: Recalibrate | Week 11: It’s Not About You...or Me

Day Three Romans 15:1-13

Pray: Invite God into your time and ask Him to speak to you, then read the passage using this link or your personal Bible.

Discover: Use the Discover section of your Recalibrate journal to write down your answers to the following observation and interpretation questions.

1. What should be our pleasing hierarchy according to this passage?
2. How did Jesus serve as our example in this?
3. What do you see about the glory of God? How should this change your perspective on disputable matters and fill you with hope and encouragement?

Respond: Use the Respond section of your journal to answer the following application prompts.
1. What does this passage teach me about God?
2. How does this aspect of His character change my view of self and others?
3. What should I do in response and when?

For Further Reading:
Bearing with the Weak

For Families with Kids at Home:
Sometimes it’s easy for us to just be concerned with ourselves. But Paul reminds us that we’re supposed to look out for the wellbeing of others too. Paul reminds us in verse 2 that “we should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.” Pray with your kids that God would put someone in their path to encourage and build up this week!

*If you don't have a Recalibrate journal, you can use any journal available to you to write down your responses.
**TPCC does not necessarily endorse all For Further Reading/Learning sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.
