Live Without Fear

Series: Rebel's Guide to Joy | Week 3: When There's a Loss

Read Philippians 1:20-26 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

This week’s passage is a powerful look at how to have joy in the midst of loss. In the face of constant threat, Paul made it clear that “to live is Christ and to die is gain” (v. 21, NIV). To him, death meant no more pain. It meant seeing Jesus face to face. Yet he also knew that living meant purpose, mission, and an opportunity to bring others to heaven along with him.

For most of us, death is feared and avoided. We view dying as losing everything we think is most important. But Paul’s words bring both a convicting and comforting reminder: If we’ve accepted Jesus and are following after Him, death isn’t to be feared. We can live fully today on mission for Him, knowing that our future in heaven is secure.

When we view life from that lens, we can be bold, live for Christ, do fruitful work, help others grow, and live without fear. No matter what loss we experience, this is our rebel’s guide to joy.

Live without fear. Spend a few minutes assessing your heart in light of what you just read. Where do you see fear taking hold in your life? How does it impact your day-to-day rhythms or actions?

Use your Philippians Guidebook to reflect and respond. For a digital copy of the guidebook, visit

Want to go deeper? Look up the following verses for a reminder of what awaits those who follow Jesus. Note what you observe and then continue with your time of response.

Revelation 21:1-7

Rebel's Guide to Joy