Read Luke 7:36-50
1. How did the woman express her love and gratitude for Jesus?
2. What did the woman’s actions declare about her view of Him?
3. What did Jesus say had saved the woman?
The clearest example of Jesus’ kindness may be seen in His heart toward sinners. The woman in this passage expressed an overflow of gratitude for His grace. Jesus was kind to forgive her and send her in peace. On the other hand, the Pharisee was so concerned with the woman’s sin, he was blind to his own brokenness. Jesus took the opportunity to teach forgiveness, delivering the truth with kindness.
No matter what we’ve done in our own lives, we’re also recipients of Jesus’ kindness, grace, and truth. His forgiveness is a gift we get to celebrate every day.
Have you received that gift yet? As Jesus told the woman, your trust in Him as your Savior is what saves you. If you’re ready to follow Him, let us know here. We would love to talk with you more. If you’re a follower of Jesus, how will you respond to His kindness today? Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His grace and forgiveness. List the ways you’ve seen His kindness in your life, and commit to showing it to others.
Want to go deeper? There are many stories in Scripture where Jesus shows He is a friend of sinners. Take a look at this article for a deeper look at this aspect of His character.
*TPCC does not necessarily endorse all “Want to go deeper” sources. They are simply meant to be a helpful tool.