
Series: Rebel's Guide to Joy | Week 1: When Loneliness Sets In

Read Philippians 1:9-11 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.

Right off the bat, Paul’s love for the Philippian church was evident. Today, we see his prayer for them to grow in love, knowledge, and understanding. For his readers, this required an active desire to grow in both heart and mind, and it couldn’t be done in isolation.

The same is true for us. To grow means to not stay the same or stagnant. It means caring more about our character and who we’re becoming than anything else. If we want to grow, we have to surround ourselves with people heading in the same direction.

Who we invite into the closest part of our lives is critical. We need people walking with us who know God, inspire us to know God, are wise, call us out, want the best for us, remind us of what really matters, encourage us, and love us too much to keep quiet and watch us wreck our lives. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about growing together.

Grow with one another. Think of someone who represents the qualities mentioned above, and reach out to schedule coffee or lunch. Let it be a time that fosters growth for both of you.

Use your Philippians Guidebook to reflect and respond to today’s reading. For a digital copy of the guidebook, visit

Want to go deeper? Look up the following verses to see what the Old Testament book of Proverbs has to say about growth, including what or who influences it. Note what you observe and then continue with your time of response.

Proverbs 1:5-7
Proverbs 13:20

Rebel's Guide to Joy