How Kids Can Give at Traders Point

Traders Point Kids is excited to join you as you lead and cultivate generosity in your child.

We give to others because we love and serve a generous God. John 3:16 teaches us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God sent His one and only Son as a sacrifice. A gift to us that He chose to give.

The Bible teaches us about people who were joyfully generous in response to what Jesus did for them. In Luke 7, we meet a woman who gave a prized possession to Jesus because of who He was and His anticipated death on the cross for our sins.

Luke 7:36-38 (ERV) shares, “One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to eat with him. Jesus went into the Pharisee’s house and took a place at the table. There was a sinful woman in that town. She knew that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house. So the woman brought some expensive perfume in an alabaster jar. She stood at Jesus’ feet, crying. Then she began to wash his feet with her tears. She dried his feet with her hair. She kissed his feet many times and rubbed them with the perfume.”

As we continue to read this passage, we see the Pharisee’s respond with concern and opposition to the way this woman was responding to the character and person of Jesus. We heard Jesus respond in Luke 7:47 (ERV), sharing, “I tell you that her many sins are forgiven. This is clear, because she showed great love.”

The woman responded generously, giving a prized possession to Jesus in response to His character and His sacrifice on the cross. She responded to His generosity and sacrifice with a gift. As verse 47 explains, she understood His sacrifice and responded in an act of love. The giving of our gifts is an act of love in response to God’s great love for us.

Traders Point Kids has designed a few specific ways your child can respond and financially give as an act of love.

  1. Wall Boxes: At every Traders Point location, there are physical and secure wall boxes set up for kids to give. Your child can fill out an envelope with their information and give their gift during weekend gatherings.
  2. Online: PushPay is a secure site that provides flexibility in how gifts are given. It gives you as a family the ability to give digitally with a reoccurring or one time gift. Whether its money your child gives you to tithe on their behalf, a portion of their allowance, or through their own debit card or checking account, PushPay provides the flexibility of giving in a safe, online platform.