
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget pellentesque metus. Sed tempor velit ante, et malesuada lorem venenatis sed. Donec lacinia lacus sit amet pharetra vehicula. Nam accumsan malesuada fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vulputate semper tellus ac faucibus. Nam sodales, libero quis consectetur pharetra, turpis felis tristique tellus, a feugiat nunc leo ac turpis. Mauris congue diam non ante tincidunt ultricies. Praesent ut bibendum metus.

Cras non gravida orci, a faucibus felis. Maecenas at sem porttitor, porttitor magna quis, molestie ante. Cras ultricies tempus nunc, in dapibus magna vehicula ut. Nam sodales ante et metus tincidunt ultricies. Phasellus rhoncus nisi quis leo dignissim congue. Nunc id ante vitae lacus sodales facilisis a ac leo. Nam non placerat diam. Ut aliquet nec arcu ut scelerisque. Etiam sit amet nibh tortor. Etiam egestas sit amet mauris quis condimentum. Aliquam libero nulla, pretium non libero ut, consequat porttitor erat. Proin convallis tellus vel nulla laoreet ultrices.

Vivamus mattis consectetur neque ut iaculis. Sed adipiscing massa vitae lobortis tincidunt. Sed in egestas ipsum. Etiam eget dolor pulvinar, interdum ligula in, cursus odio. Nulla id quam sem. Vivamus ac augue ultricies, porttitor tortor eu, dapibus mauris. Integer eleifend metus ut rhoncus fermentum. Fusce eu egestas nunc. Nulla suscipit sem eu iaculis facilisis. In dignissim enim in suscipit ullamcorper. Integer ultricies lacus ac leo ultrices, ac eleifend magna vestibulum. Vestibulum convallis justo at vulputate blandit. Duis volutpat leo turpis.

Upcoming Fundraising Opportunities

2022 Local Partner Mission Trip - June 20-24

June 20, 2022 to June 24, 2022
Indianapolis, IN
We will spend 5 days learning about and serving with 7 of our Local partners here in the Indianapolis area. While you will spend the night in your own bed, everything else will be very similar to an actual mission trip, just right here in our own city. The days will be long and packed full of learning and serving, as well as spending time with God and learning how He wants us to minister to others outside the walls of TPCC. Pre-Trip Meetings will be on Thursdays: June 2 and June 16 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Please make arrangements to be at both of these meetings! They are very important! The total cost of the trip is $300. A $50 deposit is required within 10 days of acceptance to the trip.
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2022 Monterrey, Mexico - June 24-30: Back2Back Ministries (Family Friendly for 8+)

June 24, 2022 to June 30, 2022
Monterrey, Mexico
We will be serving at Casa Hogar Douglas Children's Home in Monterrey, Mexico, with our focus on serving children, their Care Givers, and the staff of Back2Back Ministries. There may be a few work projects as well. You will have the opportunity to serve in a manner that fits your gifts. Both relational and task oriented personalities needed to play with the children, complete work projects, and to serve the Care Givers and staff. This is a family friendly trip for children ages 8 years and older.
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2022 Local Partner Mission Trip - July 18-22

July 18, 2022 to July 22, 2022
Indianapolis, IN
We will spend 5 days learning about and serving with 7 of our Local partners here in the Indianapolis area. While you will spend the night in your own bed, everything else will be very similar to an actual mission trip, just right here in our own city. The days will be long and packed full of learning and serving, as well as spending time with God and learning how He wants us to minister to others outside the walls of TPCC. Pre-Trip Meetings will be on Mondays: June 27 and July 11 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Please make arrangements to be at both of these meetings! They are very important! The total cost of the trip is $300. A $50 deposit is due within 10 days of acceptance to the trip.
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2022 Local Partner Mission Trip - September 12-16

September 12, 2022 to September 16, 2022
Indianapolis, IN
We will spend 5 days learning about and serving with 7 of our Local partners here in the Indianapolis area. While you will spend the night in your own bed, everything else will be very similar to an actual mission trip, just right here in our own city. The days will be long and packed full of learning and serving, as well as spending time with God and learning how He wants us to minister to others outside the walls of TPCC. Pre-Trip Meetings will be on Thursdays: August 25 and September 8 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Please make arrangements to be at both of these meetings! They are very important! The total cost of the trip is $300. A $50 deposit is due within 10 days of acceptance to the trip.
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2022 Nairobi and Kibarani, Kenya - September 28-October 11

September 28, 2022 to October 11, 2022
2022 Nairobi and Kibarani, Kenya September 28-October 11
You will be serving alongside of our partner organization Missions of Hope International (MOHI). Depending upon the makeup and skills of the team, some of the different ways that you might serve are by doing: "Bring the Light" - where you will install windows in homes in Bondeni and/or Kibarani while sharing the Gospel with families there; VBS - lead Bible lessons, arts, crafts, games and serve snacks; Medical Clinic - offer medical services along with prayer to people in the Bondeni community; Business and job skills training; Teacher training; helping out at Camp Angaza in Kilifi and other various things. Pre-trip meetings will be July 28, August 25, and September 15 from 6:30 - 8:15 pm. Attendance for these is required.This trip is family friendly for children over the age of 16. The total cost is $3600, and a $300 deposit is needed when accepted to the trip.
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2022 Las Vegas, NV Verve Church - October

October 27, 2022 to October 31, 2022
Las Vegas, NV
You will be serving alongside our partner organization, Verve Church (A church for people who don't like church.) You will be helping out at this church plant by doing some local outreach projects for Halloween, and helping out with their Sunday morning services in various capacities. You will also learn how to do local community outreach in an effective way. The total cost is $1000, and a $300 deposit is needed when accepted to the trip.
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